The History of the Icon. Growing Popularity. The Maple Leaf on the Canadian Flag. The adoption of the maple leaf as an important Canadian symbol. Coming of the first European settlers. The maple leaf on the coins. The popularity of the maple leaf.
Аннотация к работе
Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка кафедра англійської філології «The Maple Leaf as the National Icon of Canada» Полтава - 2011 The maple leaf, pictured in the middle of the Canadian flag, has a long history as a symbol in Canadian culture. It is because of this history that the people chose the maple leaf as the symbol of their society despite the maple trees main concentration in the eastern part of the country. The maple leaf wasnt chosen at random. In fact, the adoption of the maple leaf as an important Canadian symbol dates to 1860, when the prince of Wales was visiting Canada. The English wore their traditional roses, the Scots wore their traditional thistles, and Canadians needed something to wear as well, so they chose a maple leaf. The History of the Icon maple leaf canadian Before the coming of the first European settlers, Canadas aboriginal peoples had discovered the food properties of maple sap, which they ga