The Main Prerequisites and Outcomes of Co-opetition between Oil Companies on International Market - Дипломная работа

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The theoretical aspects of coopetition, its’ prerequisites and outcomes. The tendency of coopetitive relations among international oil & gas companies: the prerequisites and outcomes. The changes in the strategy of the international oil companies.

Аннотация к работе
GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF WORLD ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAM MASTER THESIS Topic: The Main Prerequisites and Outcomes of Co-opetition between Oil Companies on International Market Student Alina Kalanda Research Advisor Klochko O.A., A.P., Ph.D. Moscow, 2016 Contents Introduction 1. The theoretical aspects of coopetition, its’ prerequisites and outcomes 1.1 The correlation among competition, cooperation and coopetition: the theory development 1.2 The definition and the types of coopetition 1.3 The possible prerequisites and outcomes of coopetition 2. The tendency of coopetitive relations among international oil & gas companies: the prerequisites and outcomes 2.1 The overview of the global oil & gas market and its’ key players 2.2 The recent tendency of global oil & gas companies’ market behavior 2.3 The international coopetitive relations of the Russian OJSC “Rosneft” and its’ foreign “rival” partners 3. The changes in the strategy of the international oil companies 3.1 The international inter-firm relations within the global oil & gas industry 3.2 The key prerequisites and the main outcomes of coopetitive relations within oil & gas industry 3.3 The necessity of establishing coopetitive interaction between international oil companies within the industry Conclusion References Appendix Introduction The fundamental principles of the market development as well as the inter-firm relations have been the subjects of numerous theoretical and analytical studies for ages. Traditionally, the competition is treated as an essential condition for the proper functioning of the market-driven economy. Nowadays two main forms of interaction between competitors can be distinguished: direct competition and cooperation. Cooperation between competitors arose in the 19th century, when the first cartel were created, but recently a new form of firms’ cooperation - coopetition - has begun to establish the leading position in the set of managerial strategies. The phenomena of coopetition, which in the past years has become an integral part of the economic agents’ behavior, alters the traditional vision on the nature of the competitive struggle as the antagonistic rivalry for the best market conditions. More and more researches tend to notice that the majority of industries have recently faced the substantial changes in the essence of inter-firm relations. The oil and gas (hereinafter referred as “oil & gas”) industry is not an exception. Moreover, the development of this industry calls for special attention, as nowadays the oil & gas market is considered to be the most developed and turbulent sector of both the Russian economy and the global one: the share of world energy consumption of oil & gas will remain on a high level almost until 2040 - 53.6% in 2010 and 51.4% by 2040. In absolute terms the demand for oil-fuel in 2040 in the will be up to 5.16 billion tons of oil equivalent, which is higher than the values of 2010 by 25%. As for the gas, in 2040 the global demand for gas will reach 5.34 trillion m3, which is 60% higher than in 2010. The Russian Federation at the given moment is the second country in the world for the extraction of oil (after Saudi Arabia) and for the output of gas (after the USA). If we consider the supply to the world market in monetary terms, for the exported petroleum Russia receives 280 billion USD and for the export of gas more than 60 billion USD annually. Recently the companies in oil & gas market have developed in close cooperation. This tendency fully meets the requirements of the model of energy development, proposed by the Russian government and adopted by the Western countries in the middle of 2000-x yr. Thus, the coopetitive strategy is highly sought by the major oil & gas companies in different countries. Moreover, the effective cooperation among the companies within the industry and unimpeded growth of Russian oil & gas sector itself in much determines the possibilities of the present and future development of the Russian Federation. We propose the following hypothesis for the consideration: the coopetitive interaction is a widespread and substantial managerial strategy for the oil & gas industry with the specific industrial prerequisites and outcomes. Therefore, the key purpose of the study is to identify the main and the most common for the oil & gas industry prerequisites and outcomes of coopetitive strategy of companies’ market behavior. In order to deal with the mentioned purpose, we should consider several objectives of the study: · to explore the phenomena of coopetition strategy in comparison with the classical cooperative and competitive strategies and its’ effects on the international community in whole and on the international oil & gas companies in particular; · to generalize contemporary theoretical and emp
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