The definition of railway transport enterprises balanced indexes assessment - Статья

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The system for assessing the economic condition of railway transport, based on the principles of management theory using economic information technologies. Development of a system of indices as a marker of the state of the analyzed economic entity.

Аннотация к работе
The definition of railway transport enterprises balanced indexes assessment Synergistic components of economic stabilization are provided by economic subject state estimation and make necessary presentation of data in the most convenient way for the user. In order to conduct economic assessment, the special procedure has been worked out: the form for analysis of economic subject state. The economic estimation basis comprises the comparison of economic subjects with standard conditional model according to each index and taken into account the best results of the latter. The assessment options may also be temporary logs of analysed economic subject’s financial - economic activity for determining increase or decrease assessed indexes. The target is search of additional funds for the rising of economic activity efficiency realized by economic subject [1-3]. Sublimated mathematical algorithm of economic condition comparative assessment may be presented in the following way: introductory information extrapolates in
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