The assessment of difficulty of yacht sailing classes and students’ global self-esteem - Статья

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Definitions of the links between the level of students" overall self-esteem and their perception of the level of sophistication in sailing. Building an adequate self-image and positive image of the inner self as a key element in achieving success in life.

Аннотация к работе
The assessment of difficulty of yacht sailing classes and students’ global self-esteem Introduction self-esteem student sailing In the course of studies at the University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw students participate in summer camp, which is an integral part of the curriculum of universities in the fields of Physical Education and Tourism and Recreation. Subjects constituting the so- called “outdoor forms of physical activity”, which include: canoeing, yachting, windsurfing, swimming in open water, games and recreation, and bicycling are realized during the camp [3]. The camp for full-time students lasts 10 days, during which yachting is conducted in two blocks of two and three hours. After the initial classes, students have the opportunity to choose the so called specialization of sailing and to hone their skills in this field for the next five days. However, for the purposes of this article, we deal only with people who undergo initial training. It includes a minimum basic knowledge of the co
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