The art of conversation - Топик

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Conversation for its own sake. Сonversation for some other purpose. To be successful one has to be a good conversationalist. And the art of conversation is a skill and can be acquired as many other work skills as typing.

Аннотация к работе
The art of conversation Conversation is a talk of 2 or more participants. Conversation is of 2 basic types: - conversation for its own sake and - conversation for some other purpose. The latter is practiced by politicians, preachers, salesmen, lobbyists, etc. The first one is practiced among friends, relative, colleagues, etc. To be successful one has to be a good conversationalist. And the art of conversation is a skill and can be acquired as many other work skills as typing, for example. The ability to talk can be cultivated. To become a really good conversationalist it is necessary to acquire the habit of conscientiously stocking your mind with facts and information and then forming opinions on the basis of that knowledge. Masters of art of conversation rarely give advice, and usually only when requested. It is then given without the intention to impose their will or wishes on other people. On my opinion an effective conversationalist is someone who knows a lot of interesting facts, who has positive attitu
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