The analysis of the novel A room with a view - Реферат

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The emotion and the means of its expression in the works of fiction. Lexical and syntactical trope: tautological, explanatory and metaphorical epithets. Some words about E.M. Forster. The emotional statements in the Forsters novel A room with a view.

Аннотация к работе
Introduction Every writer has his own style of writing. Trying to gain the definite stylistic effects the writer uses the different stylistiс devices. Our work is devoted to the stylistic means which Edward Morgan Forster uses in his novel “A Room with a view”, namely the means to make the sentences more emotional. The aim of our work is to reveal the main stylistic means to express the emotional content. The aim has defined the next tasks: 1. To give some information about Edward Morgan Forster’s biography and his works. 2. To give the definition of the notion “emotion” 3. To reveal the main stylistic means to express the emotional content. 4. To make the practical research The novel “A Room with a View” is the practical material of our work. The work consists of introduction, two chapters and conclusion. In the first chapter we reveal the main stylistic means to express the emotional content of the statement. The second chapter represents the immediate studying of E.M. Forster novel and information about hi
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