The activity of Islamic banking system - Курсовая работа

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History of introduction of a modern banking system to the Muslim countries, features of their development and functioning in todays market economy. Perspectives of future development of Islamic banking in the world and in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Аннотация к работе
Table of content INTRODUCTION Chapter I. Historical development of Islamic banks Chapter II. The financial analysis of Islamic bank’s activity Chapter III. Perspectives of future development of Islamic banking in the world and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Islamic Development Bank CONCLUSION REFERNCES INTRODUCTION Modern banking system was introduced into the Muslim countries at a time when they were politically and economically at low ebb, in the late 19th century. The main banks in the home countries of the imperial powers established local branches in the capitals of the subject countries and they catered mainly to the import export requirements of the foreign businesses. The banks were generally confined to the capital cities and the local population remained largely untouched by the banking system. The local trading community avoided the “foreign” banks both for nationalistic as well as religious reasons. However, as time went on it became difficult to engage in trade and other activities without ma
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