Тестирование программного обеспечения - Дипломная работа

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Особенности определения корректности функционирования анализируемой программы. Анализ основных способов его проведения. Разработка и автоматизация тест-кейсов. Рассмотрение аннотация @Test. История развития тестирования программного обеспечения.

Аннотация к работе
3 Impossible to create the 251st contact Check that when address book is had 250 contacts then can not create a contact Test for: 9608, 9611, 9641 Setup:1) User X has 250 contacts 1 Phone 4 Update presence state of contact that has E.164 handle in profile Check, that Presence state of extension with E.164 matches with Presence state of this extension in address book of other extension when presence is changed Check, that Presence state of extension without E.164 matches with Presence state of this extension in address book of other extension when presence is changed Also check, that Presence state of extension in Automatic mode is available in idle state Test for: 9608, 9611, 9641 Setup: Phone 5 Comprasion of Presence state "Automatic" of extension, that has E.164 handle in profile with Presence state of this extension in address book of other extension Check, that Presence state "Automatic" of extension, which has E.164 handle in profile and Presence state of this contact in address book of other extension are similar Test for: 9608, 9611, 9641 Setup: Phone 6 Comprasion of Presence state "Available" of extension, that has E.164 handle in profile with Presence state of this extension in address book of other extension Check, that Presence state "Available" of extension, which has E.164 handle in profile and Presence state of this contact in address book of other extension are similar Test for: 9608, 9611, 9641 Setup: Phone 7 Comprasion of Presence state "Busy" of extension, that has E.164 handle in profile with Presence state of this extension in address book of other extension Check, that Presence state "Busy" of extension, which has E.
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