Telecommunications - Реферат

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Developing of telecommunications. The characteristics of the satellite services and Internet. Advancing role of telecommunications in banking. Russia’s telecommunications roads get wider, more expensive. Future of development telecommunications.

Аннотация к работе
CONTENT INTRODUCTION DEVELOPING OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SATTELITE SERVICES INTERNET ADVANCING ROLE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN BANKING RUSSIA’S TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROADS GET WIDER, MORE EXPENSIVE FUTURE OF DEVELOPMENT CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION No one can deny the role of telecommunications for society. Currently hundreds of millions of people use wireless communication means. Cell phone is no longer a symbol of prestige but a tool, which lets to use working time more effectively. Considering that the main service of a mobile connection operator is providing high quality connection, much attention in the telecommunication market is paid to the spectrum of services that cell network subscriber may receive. telecommunications satellite internet banking DEVELOPING OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS Late in the nineteenth century communications facilities were augmented by a new invention - telephone. In the USA its use slowly expanded, and by 1900 the American Telephone and Telegraph Company controlled 855,000 telephones; but elsewhe
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