Technology of modern antibiotics production - Курсовая работа

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New approaches to research and construction microbial producers of antibiotics. Nutrient mediums for biosynthesis. Oil refining, purification and quality control. Screening of libraries of synthetic compounds. Culturing producer strains broad spectrum.

Аннотация к работе
The solution to these problems lies in the use of combined therapy, usage antibiotics only after the establishment of the type of pathogen and the rational use of chemotherapeutic agents [7, 8]. 1. NEW APPROACHES TO SEARCH AND CONSTRUCTION MICROBIAL PRODUCERS OF ANTIBIOTICS Today we know more than 1 million natural compounds. Most of them (50 -60%) isolated from plants, and 5% are of microbial origin. According to current estimates, 25 to 30 thousand natural compounds exhibit antibiotic activity. Allocated over 13 thousand antimicrobial , anticancer and antiviral compounds of plant origin, and about 7,000 antibiotic compounds that form different animal organisms, especially marine (sponges , coelenterates , tunicates, clams , etc.).
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