Teaching English - Курс лекций

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Techniques and exercises in the teaching-learning process. Planning a lesson and classroom management. The use of technologies in teaching foreign languages. Tasks and exercises for developing pronunciation habits. Teaching English for communication.

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Lecture 1. Methods. Methodological categories Objectives: SWBAT distinguish between methodological categories; list and describe methods of scientific research; examine connections of Methods with other sciences. 1.1 Methods. Methodological categories Methodology is the study of pedagogical practices in general. It links theory and practice. Within methodology a distinction is made between methods and approaches. Approach is a theory about the nature of language and language learning. An approach describes how language is used. It also describes how people acquire their knowledge of the language. An approach makes statements about the conditions which will promote successful language learning. Method is a practical realization of an approach. Method describes types of activities, roles of teacher and learners, kinds of materials, models of syllabus organization. Method includes various procedures and techniques. Procedure is an ordered sequence of techniques. For example: first you do this, then you do that… Procedure is smaller than a method, but bigger than a technique. Technique is a variety of exercises, activities, devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. For example: finger technique (teacher holds up his hands and allocates a word to each of his five fingers); or technique of silent viewing (teacher plays the video with no sound). Methods of foreign language teaching is a body of scientifically tested theory concerning the teaching of foreign languages in schools and other educational institutions. As any science Methods has its object and subject of investigation. The object of investigation- the process of teaching a foreign language. The subject of investigation- the knowledge about the object, theories governing the process of foreign language teaching. General Methods- methods of foreign language teaching, irrespective of the language taught. Special Methods- methods of teaching a particular foreign language, f. e. English. Syllabus (the United Kingdom) or curriculum (the United States) outlines the sequence and content of a language program, and how language learning is to be done. Syntax is the study of the patterns which dictate how words are combined together to form sentences. Semantics deals with the meaning of words and sentences. Where syntax is concerned with the formal structure of sentences, semantics deals with the actual meaning of sentences. Pragmatics is concerned with the role of context in the interpretation of meaning. Psychology-related areas: The study of word recognition and reading examines the processes involved in the extraction of orthographic, morphological, phonological, and semantic information from patterns in printed text. Developmental psycholinguistics studies infants and childrens ability to learn language, usually with experimental or at least quantitative methods (as opposed to naturalistic observations such as those made by Jean Piaget in his research on the development of children). Questions and topics for discussion 1. What is the difference between method and approach? 2. Give reasons to confirm that Methods is an independent science. 3. What methods of scientific research are most widely used in Methodology? 4. What sciences is Methods related to? Give examples. Lecture 2. Aims, content, principles of FLT. Methods, techniques and exercises in the teaching-learning process Objectives: SWBAT distinguish between aims of teaching foreign languages; describe and analyze components of the content of FLT; discuss principles of foreign language teaching and learning and .choose the most important of them. 2.1 Aims of FLT in a secondary school According to Rogova there are three aims which should be achieved in foreign language teaching: practical, educational, cultural. Practical aims. Students should acquire a language as a means of communication and be able to use it while listening, reading, speaking, writing. This is reflected in the syllabus in accordance with the stages of instruction. Educational aims Learning a second language is of great educational value. Since language is connected with thinking, through foreign language study students develop their intellect. Students have to memorize words, sentence patterns, idioms, structures; thus they develop their voluntary and involuntary memory. Through learning a foreign language students understand how words express thoughts, how the language functions; thus they come to the better understanding of their native language. Teaching a foreign language contributes to the linguistic education of the students; they extend their knowledge of phonic, graphic, structural and semantic aspects of language through contrastive analysis of language phenomena. Learning a second language also develops students’ imagination and willpower. Cultural aims Learning a foreign language students read books, magazines, watch films, study such materials as maps, photos, menus, pictures, posters. In this
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