Teaching conversation in english language classroom: conversational techniques - Статья

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The principles and ways of forming speaking skills are described, as well as the methodology for using communication techniques, such as discussion, role play, improvisation and debates. Activities that contribute to the formation of speaking skills.

Аннотация к работе
TEACHING CONVERSATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSROOM: CONVERSATIONAL TECHNIQUES Oksana Ye. Milova PhD in pedagogics, associate professor of Translation department Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv Анотація. Стаття присвячена теоретичному аналізу процесу формування навичок говоріння шляхом використання спеціальних комунікативних технік на уроках англійської мови. Статья посвящена теоретическому анализу процесса формирования навыков говорения путем использования специальных коммуникативных техник на уроках английского языка. В статье описываются принципы и пути формирования навыков говорения, а также обосновывается методика использования коммуникативных техник, в частности таких, как дискуссия, ролевая игра, импровизация и дебаты. Direct conversation practice for students learning English may occur in regular classroom surroundings or in non-academic environments such as conversation clubs. English conversation clubs are organized by teachers and students who want to practice English in more congenial atmosphere than the classroom may allow. The meetings of conversation clubs usually follow a regular schedule - once a week or once a month. The success of the conversation club depends on the leader of the communicative group who must be experienced in teaching so that to arrange entertaining activities (such as debates, film showings, games) that can stimulate all members of the group to use their English effectively [4, 6].
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