Symon Petlura (1879-1926) - Реферат

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Symon Petlura - Supreme Commander of the Ukrainian Army and President of the Ukrainian National Republic. Crucial Events. Petlura versus Lenin. War and Revolution. Russian Aggression in Ukraine. Champion of the Struggle for Freedom and Independence.

Аннотация к работе
SYMON PETLURA (1879-1926) Crucial Events Three significant events in the modern history of Ukraine reveal the dramatic dynamic quality of this nation. About the middle of the 17th century, the Ukrainian national revolt, led by the powerful Hetman Bohdan Hmelnytsky, seriously undermined the regime of the Polish Kingdom and of the Muscovite Tsardom which had predominated in Eastern Europe up to that time, and set up the state organization of Ukraine in the form of a sovereign Kozak (Cossack) state. In addition to Moscow and Warsaw, Kyiv (Kiev) now also became a political centre, the importance of which lay in the restoration of the national traditions of Ukraine and in the fact that it linked up with the continuity of the principality of Kyiv which came into existence in the 9th century.
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