Стилистический анализ художественного текста - Методичка

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Систематизация теоретических положений по анализу текста. Приемы отработки навыков аналитического чтения художественного текста, оценки его содержания и художественной формы. Стилистика отрывка из художественного произведения Дж. Голсуорси "To let".

Аннотация к работе
Учебно-методическое пособие по аналитическому чтениюThink what is more important in the text: plot development or character drawing. to read a text with unflagging (with never slackening) interest; - читать текст с неослабевающим интересом (вниманием); it’s a novel (a story) (written, meant) for teenagers (adolescents, young people), etc.; the text is addressed to teenagers, etc.; - роман (рассказ) (написан, предназначен) для подростков (взрослых, молодежи) и т.д.; To analyse the type of narrative, it is important to distinguish between the author (the person who wrote the story), and the narrator (the person or voice telling the story). If the text contains various elements, name all of them and give examples from the text under study to prove your statements.Soames took steps and came on what looked to him like a lamppost bent by collision with a motor omnibus. The future of plastic art, of music, painting, and even architecture, has set in satiric. Soames, already regretting his impulse, raised his own slightly in response, with a downward look at the young man"s companion, who had a purple tie, dreadful little sluglike whiskers, and a scornful look - as if he were a poet! On the screen opposite the alcove was a large canvas with a great many square tomato-coloured blobs on it, and nothing else, so far as Soames could see from where he sat.
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