The safety of an earth dam structure. The properties of the material of which the dam is constructed. The process of collapse of an improperly designed earth dam with slopes too steep. Stability of the hydrodynamic pressure of the penetrating water.
Аннотация к работе
Ministers of education and since Al - Farabi Kazakh National University Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Mechanics Specialty: 5B060300 Mechanics REPORT IN MANUFACTURING PRACTICE ON THE TOPIC OF THE THESIS THEME: stability of an earth dam Student: Ospanov N. M Scientific supervisor : Alibayeva. K. A Алматы 2015 COTENTS INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE 1. STABILTY OF AN EARTH DAM 1.1 Equipment Diagrams 1.2 Equipmen setup 1.3 Experiment results CONCLUSION REFERENCES INTRODUCTION The class of problems involving flow of water through permeable media has a wide range and is of considerable importance to engineers and scientists. The Armfield Drainage and Seepage Tank, Model S1, facilitates a detailed study of the movement of water through permeable media. The engineer is probably the one who faces such problems most frequently and whose success or failure will often depend on his knowledge and understanding of phenomena related to the movement of the water in soils. This is one of the most important aspects