Современный терроризм: фанатизм и оружие массового уничтожения - Дипломная работа

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Убийства репрессивных правителей на политической почве, совершаемые на протяжении всей истории человечества. Характеристика самых крупных современных террористических организаций. Взаимосвязь между организованной преступностью, политикой и терроризмом.

Аннотация к работе
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Кубанский государственный университет Отделение иностранных языков в профессиональной сфере Допущена к защите: Зав. отделением, д.ф.н., профессор З.И. Гурьева Выпускная работа на тему: «Современный терроризм: фанатизм и оружие массового уничтожения» «The new terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass destruction» Выполнила: студентка Арустамян Регина Арменовна Научный руководитель: Волошина Карина Сергеевна Краснодар 2013 г Table of Contents I. Essay II. ENGLISH TEXT Introduction ZEALOTS AND ASSASSINS ORIGINS OF TERRORISM MODERN TERRORISM THE PHILOSOPHERS OF MASS DESTRUCTION TERRORISM IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY RULES OF ENGAGEMENT? CHECHNYA III. RUSSIAN TRANSLATION Пролог ФАНАТИКИ И УБИЙЦЫ КОРНИ ТЕРРОРИЗМА СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ ТЕРРОРИЗМ ФИЛОСОФЫ МАССОВОГО УНИЧТОЖЕНИЯ ТЕРРОРИЗМ В ДВАДЦАТОМ СТОЛЕТИИ КАКОВЫ ПРАВИЛА ВЕДЕНИЯ БОЕВЫХ ДЕЙСТВИЙ?. ЧЕЧНЯ IV. Linguistic Analysis of the Text V. Bibliography IV. Glossary I. Essay My graduation paper consists of several chapters from the book “The new terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass destruction” written by one of the foremost experts on terrorism and international strategic affairs Walter Laqueur. The main reason why I have chosen this book for my translation is that being a student of Management and Psychology Department I am interest in political science. In addition terrorism is actual nowadays. It was very interesting to translate the book I was excited in. During the translation I’ve found out a lot of amazing facts about terrorism itself, about gangs and organized crime. The book offers a thorough account of terrorism in all its past and current manifestations. It casts a sober eye to the future, when the inevitable marriage of technology and fanaticism will give us all something new to think about. The author pays close attention to terrorism issue and and the ways of its interpretation. Terrorism has been with us for centuries, but it has always been transformed in different forms. Originally it was a form of liberation of the people from tyranny and oppression. But nowadays the term is usually used with a negative connotation and refers to crime, that is not quite true. While working with the original English text I was keen not only on its content but also the process of the translation itself. While translating the text I found a number of terms. Some of these terms are simple (belligerence - воинственность), others are compound (state-political - государственно-политический) or word-combinations (economic liberalism - экономический либерализм). In the process of translation I employed such lexical transformation techniques as omission and addition. Omission is used when there is the so-called redundant and unnecessary information. Addition is used when a translator needs an explanation of meaning by using extra words. I also resorted to some contextual replacements especially modulation to get the correct translation according to the original text. The main difficulty for me was to translate overcrowded sentences, which are so typical of the specialized literature. To achieve the complete correspondence of the translation of such sentences to the norms of the Russian literary language I had to use a splitting technique in translating, dividing one English sentence into several Russian ones. But there were also sentences which didn’t finish their idea. In these cases I used merging technique - joining two or more small sentences into one. In the process of translation I acquired an experience of a translator. To my mind the detailed analysis of translating techniques is an efficient method for getting a thorough mastery of good professional English. This experience will be useful in my career. It also lets me estimate my level of the command of English. As any other language, English demands permanent training. Furthermore, such training as writing the graduate paper is very helpful for me. I am sure that knowledge of English is a strong competitive advantage in the modern world and being not knowledgable it gives you no chance to find a good job. II. ENGLISH TEXT Introduction Four hundred twelve men, women, and children were hacked to death by terrorists on the night of December 29, 1997, in three isolated villages in Algeria’s Elizane region. Four hundred perished when a group of the Shah’s opponents burned a cinema in Abadan during the last phase of the monarchy in Iran. There were 328 victims when an Air India aircraft was exploded by Sikh terrorists in 1985, and 278 were killed in the Lockerbie disaster in Scotland in 1988 which was commissioned by Libya’s Colonel Khadafi and carried out by terrorists. Two hundred forty-one U.S. marines lost their lives when their barracks were attacked by suicide bombers in Beirut in 1983, 171 were killed when Libyan emissaries put a bomb on a French UTA plane in 1985. The largest toll in human life on American soil was paid when 169 men, wom
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