Software development for registration of queries for ATM - Дипломная работа

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Development of software applications, tools settings of the information system. The connection of additional interfaces and applications, tools to create, configure and manage database tools to generate reports in MS Word, edit them on the server side.

Аннотация к работе
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN International University of Information Technology Faculty of Information Technology Department of Information Systems and Mathematical Modeling Graduation Paper Software development for registration of queries for ATM Abay Zangar Kenesbekov Tokhtar & CO Almaty 2014 Introduction The banking system in any economy , coupled with market relations should perform most , if not the most important role . First, the developed structure of commercial banks, operates a system of payments in the economically developed - market relations , the vast majority of commercial transactions performed by redistributing funds between retail bank deposits , by check or electronic transfer . Secondly , along with other financial intermediaries , banks direct savings in firms and enterprises . One of the most important aspects of the structure of commercial bank operations is their automation . ATMs - ATMs dispensing and encash cash for operations with plastic cards. With ATM , you can also transfer money from one account to another , to get background information on the account, to conduct utility payment, payment due , etc. Thereby ATMs occupy an important role in bank processing . ATM network - a very complex infrastructure, as she and many other equipment periodically fails. In turn ATMs require daily service to maintain uninterrupted service. For service ATMs, the bank needs to be serviced , which will support health , repair ATM network. But it would be difficult to imagine the work of such a department , without the support of the dispatch service . Dispatch service performs the function of collecting, processing of information , preparation of digital records . Product that will be developed in the course of the diploma project , designed to structure , organize work dispatcher. Information system accounting ATM network will contain information on all the ATM network , as well include the ability to add , modify, delete information from the database , reporting , database search , ordering the list and the list of criteria and etc. This product will significantly accelerate the work department, streamline storage structure information across the ATM network . Staff of this department do not have to run various programs to store information , generate reports , to record the defective ATM , to find specific information , information system accounting ATM network includes all these features and more . This product is very important for bank processing and can be widely distributed among other banks , which in turn determines the importance of profitability and the need for this software . software application database report 1. Analysis of the subject area 1.1 The purpose of developing The main purpose of the information system accounting ATM network is to streamline and establishment of banking ATM network monitoring service , which should result in an increase in productivity of service ATMs. To achieve these goals it is necessary to : a) Develop a database; b) develop a system for transmitting information ; c) to develop a customer of the product ; g ) Develop a system for automatic report generation ; d ) develop a search engine ; e ) Develop a correct display of information. Setting rules for the correct operation of the program should be carried out by the system administrator . 1.2 Scope In this thesis project to develop information system , Accounting for ATM networks . The main users of this system are the banks , which have in their use of the ATM network . The product is designed to improve performance of the ATM network , network analysis , as well as to improve the efficiency of interaction between the service and service monitoring service . The program is a system of interaction between the service engineer and employee monitoring service . The system is designed to generate orders for repair workers ATM monitoring service after receiving the dress engineer troubleshoots accordingly declared , then closes the outfit, automatically creating update information across the base, and making changes to the database on the history of the ATM. Receiving data and sending them to a remote server. 1.3 Definitions of terms, abbreviations ATM - electronic software and hardware designed for transactions of issue ( reception ) of cash without the authorized employee of the credit institution, including the use of payment cards, and transfer the credit institution to transfer money from your bank account ( deposit) client , as well as to compile the documents confirming the operations.
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