Society"s cultural experiences inscribed in language - Статья

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Systems of cultural heritage transfer. The process of cultural transmission. The function of the cultural message. Language as a reflection of the cultural experience of society. Cultural experiences inscribed in phrasemes. Language is a system of signs.

Аннотация к работе
Adam Mickiewcz University, Poznan UDK 785. 78. 38 Societys cultural experiences inscribed in language Kuszak Kinga Professor of Faculty of Educational Studies, e-mail: Formulation and justification of the relevance of the problem. Social sciences recognize the concept of culture as all that is taught to individuals and social groups in the process of enculturation (acculturation). The process of cultural transmission, is also called growing into culture occurs within three «systems» identified by Antonina Kloskowska. The first one, identified by the author as the «primary» one, concerns small communities and is distinguished by psychical and physical proximity between members of the group, as well as similarity of their fates and life experiences. The second one, called institutional, is also based on direct contact, at the same time allowing for formal contacts between people who play specific roles in their interactions with one another, e.g. the roles of teacher-student and spectator-acto
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