Assessing the impact of the environment on activity of industrial producers. Analysis of factors that act as more important determinants influencing the company to take specific environmental strategy. The relevance of stakeholders" positive action.
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Essay Theme: “Social and environmental accounting, organizational change and management accounting” Moscow 2016 Introduction The recent years have been characterized by the industrial globalization, which is having significant effects on the natural environment (Gonzales, Sarkis & Adenso-Diaz, 2008). It is an increasingly demand that businesses work towards minimizing negative impacts on the natural environment (Klassen & Whybark, 1999). As the concern for the environment is rising companies are incorporating more environmental friendly practices in to their strategy (Gonzales et al. 2008). These environmental issues in turn, affect companies in different ways and no company can afford to ignore them. There are some factors acting as more important determinants influencing companies’ to adopt a specific environmental strategy and these factors are not consistent through industries, although similarities can be found it depends on factors such as stakeholders’ interest and involvement. Depending on the stakeho