Small business - Курсовая работа

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The concept and the essence of entrepreneurship. Overview of the functions and conditions of small business. The study of his subjects and forms. Characteristic of the rights and duties of entrepreneurs. The state support and regulation of business.

Аннотация к работе
Contents Introduction I. Entrepreneurship: concept, essence, features II. The conditions of business III. Overview of Small Business III.1 Small business: concepts, subjects, forms III.2 Rights and obligations of small businesses III.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Business III.4 Role of entrepreneurship in the economy IV. Analysis of the current state of development of small business in Kazakhstan V. The system of state support and regulation of small business in Kazakhstan Conclusion References Introduction Entrepreneurship - a dynamic, innovative process, the process of creating something new, something has value, the process of bringing cash income and personal satisfaction with the outcome. Entrepreneurship acts as a special kind of economic activity, which is considered today one of the main factors of economic growth, the most important condition for the functioning of the market system. Entrepreneur - a person who takes on the risk of a new enterprise, the development of a new idea or a new product offered by the company. He is able to creatively solve problems with the reconciliation of economic resources. The ability to find ideas, set goals, implement them in specific cases - one of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur v must be of such quality you as: initiative, determination, perseverance, responsibility, organizational skills, ability to persuade and build connections. He must be competent in the field of business, which consists of or is self-employed. Entrepreneur needs a good understanding of what the market and what tools and dependencies involved here. Should clearly know the legal side of the case - the relevant sections of the legislation, the tax system, navigate the technology, products, market opportunities. Enterprise - an essential attribute of a market economy. Business associated with the notion to do something new or improve existing. It is associated with the concepts of dynamism, initiative, courage and releases in the society to the potential that many interesting ideas are turned into reality. World practice shows convincingly that even in countries with developed market economies, the small business has significant impact on the national economy, social development, and increase the number of employed workers. On the number of employees, volume produced and sold products, works and services small businesses in certain countries play a leading role. Background study lies in the fact that the strategic objectives are the development of the economy of Kazakhstan national high-tech industry, the development and introduction of new information technologies to obtain competitive products and ensuring the interests of national economic security through conservation and development of industrial, scientific and technological potential of the country. The aim of the course work - to reveal the essence of small business, the business environment, economic, social and legal environments that ensure economic freedom capable citizens to do business, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of small businesses, to identify trends in the development of small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In conclusion makes recommendations to improve business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. I. Entrepreneurship: concept, essence, features With the development of market economy, the role of business increases. There is no single definition of the essence of entrepreneurship. Representatives of the various branches of knowledge have different interpretations of the content of the term. A difference of opinion in the interpretation of the term «entrepreneurship» reflects not only the ambiguity of the economic, social, financial role of business in a market economy, but also on the openness of business as a management system. Entrepreneurship - initiative economic activity, performed with the risk from their own debt and other funds and assets in order to obtain for all actors involved mutually beneficial results and income. By the rules of the American scientists, business - an activity to implement bold, important and challenging projects. Entrepreneurship - is a risky business, voluntarily undertaken by citizens on their own risk and responsibility. In Western countries, the modern enterprise is characterized as a special, innovative, anti-bureaucratic style of management, which is based on the constant search for new opportunities, a focus on innovation, the ability to attract and use for the task resources from a variety of sources. According to the American scholar RS Ronstadt, entrepreneurship - a dynamic process of building wealth. The wealth created by those who are most at risk with their money, property, career, who does not spare time to create their own business, who offers customers a new product or service. Your product or service does not necessarily have to be something new, the main thing that a businessman was able to give them a new quality, in
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