Современная система спорта Канады. Государственное регулирование развития спорта в Канаде. Поощрение корпоративного спонсорства национальных спортивных мероприятий и программ национальных спортивных организаций. Спортивные тренировочные центры.
Аннотация к работе
Система подготовки спортсменов Канады к Олимпийским играмThe government agency Sport Canada implements its policies and takes part in shaping the Canadian sports system through these bodies. Legislative and political acts have been adopted, including position document Canadian Sport Policy, that contribute to continuous increasing of the government influence on the development of sports in Canada through the funding and monitoring mechanisms. The special program Own the Podium serves as a basis for the purposeful strategy of training Canadian athletes for the Olympic Games. An effective policy was developed and implemented to identify the challenges of Olympic preparation, effective training programs for athletes were created, monitoring was planned, critical problems for scientific research were identified, rapid introduction of scientific advances into practice was enabled along with the implementation of advanced world experience and advanced training coaches and other professionals. The formation and implementation of an effective system for training Canadian athletes for the Olympic Games were facilitated by: the positive attitude and support of the government for sports, physical education, and healthy lifestyle of the population; the intensive development of health enhancing physical culture and mass sports; the creation of a strong physical infrastructure; the introduction of rational organizational forms of training for top level athletes; substantial funding of Olympic preparation; and introduction of advanced technologies in all components of the training system.