Show business companies and their musical constituents - Статья

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The role of the musical components as a whole of the modern show. The functional intend of the musical constituent of the integrity of the show as a business organization. Materials by the specifics of description of show-structures in business actions.

Аннотация к работе
How do show business companies work and what do show business companies do? According to the definition, these are organization, producers and individuals that ensure compliance with the requirements of entertainment events programs [13, 265]. These organizations are multifunctional; they offer whole packages, including the search for artists and musicians through various agencies and companies. Besides their important features include negotiations on special conditions for artists and search for famous musicians [13, 265]. In such companies, there is a large catalog of artists of various genres. A very important aspect is the companys infrastructure. The more it is diverse, the more likely the customers choice will fall exactly on this company. Infrastructure of the center enables: stage design, making thematic decorations, creating floral design, providing technical equipment (sound and light), attracting artists and musicians for the show [13, 266].
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