Serialization is regarded as a phenomenon in which two or more verbs, or some other part of speech, follow each other in a sentence in the same aspect and tense form. The phenomenon is typicalfor the so called "exotic" languages in parts of the world.
Аннотация к работе
Кшановский О. Ч. Ч. Сериализация как когнитивная универсалия (на материале славянских и иранских языков). In the second sentence (13) the idea of the end of the candle’s burning supplemented by cause of it which is expressed as a complex event (by a complex sentence). (25) Ba’d=esh zadpedar=e man mord after=3SG:DEMONSTR hit:PAST(3SG) father=GEN I die:PAST(3SG) ‘After that my father suddenly died.’ In (25) the framing event State change is expressed by the verb mordan ‘to die’ (the transition from one state to another).