Sentence and phrase stress - Реферат

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Syllable stress in american english. Pairs of semantically related words whose grammatical category is reflected in their stress pattern. Stress is very important and inalienable part of human’s speech. The value of the logical stress in the word.

Аннотация к работе
In any language you listen to, you will notice that some syllables sound stronger and more noticeable than others. In English, for example, the middle syllable of the word tomato is clearly stronger than the first and last syllables. We say that the middle syllable is stressed. In some languages the position of the strongest stress may affect the meaning of a word. The following Spanish words are shown with the stressed syllables underlined, and their meanings are given: termino terminus termino I terminate termino I terminated [1,p.31-32] English has some pairs of semantically related words whose grammatical category is reflected in their stress pattern, such as: `accent ( noun) ac`cent (verb) `compact (noun) com`pact (verb) Some words may contain more than one stressed vowel, but exactly one of the stressed vowels is more prominent than the others. The vowel that receives primary stress is marked by an acute / accent. The other stressed vowels are indicated by a grave accent ( `) over the vowels (these vowels receive secondary stress).
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