Subjects of pharmaceutical industry function in the conditions of uncertainty and dynamic environment. Pharmaceutical industry is characterized by logistics risks with specific properties of drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients and active substances.
Аннотация к работе
Annotation pharmaceutical industry logistic management Selection of approaches to logistic risk estimate by subjects of pharmaceutical industry R. V. Sahaidak-Nikitiuk, Doctor of Pharmacy, associate professor National University of Pharmacy, Kharkov Subjects of pharmaceutical industry usually function in the conditions of uncertainty and dynamic environment. Pharmaceutical industry is characterized by logistics risks with specific properties of drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients and active substances. Logistic risk in the pharmaceutical industry is an event that results in losses of SPI or makes the possibility of an adverse situationor irrelevant results which related to traffic flows within the pharmaceutical logistic chain when changing external and internal factors. The availability of a large number of logistic risks makes it necessary to reduce risk of SPI logistic activity, and, consequently, to develop risk management mechanism. The algorithm of logistic risk management of SPI includes seven ste