Science and Education in Belarus - Доклад

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Problems of development of science and education Belarus after disintegration of the Soviet Union. Modern activity of National academy of Sciences of Belarus, its role, value and functions. Important achievements of schools of sciences in various areas.

Аннотация к работе
Science and Education in Belarus science education belarus Belarusian science was actually started in 1922 as the Institute of Belarusian Culture was set up. At present the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) is in charge of organizing, conducting and coordinating the fundamental and applied scientific research and development. The Academy of Sciences was founded in 1929 and incorporated the Institutes of Philosophy, Economics, History, Constitution and Law, Linguistics, Literature and Art, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Agricultural, Physico-Engineering Institutes and others. It was awarded the status «National» in 1997, and now comprises 94 Full Members (Academicians), 130 Corresponding Members. 3 Honorary and 16 Foreign Members of the NASB. The NASB comprises over 130 organizations and enterprises including 70 research institutes, divisions and centers. It employs 16 thousand people. In 2002, the Academy of Sciences comprised the Departments of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics; the Departme
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