Асноўныя напрамкі ўрадавай палітыкі адносна сялянства Беларусі, яе роля ў фарміраванні сацыяльнай іерархіі сялянства. Асаблівасці іерархіі сялянства ў межах сельскай грамады, аналіз асаблівасцей яе праяўлення на афіцыйным і нефармальным узроўнях.
Аннотация к работе
БЕЛАРУСКІ ДЗЯРЖАУНЫ УНІВЕРСІТЭТResearch methods: the research have been based on general scientific principles (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative analysis, generalization, and classification), specific methods of historical analysis (historical genetic, historical comparative, historical systematic, historical typological, retrospective methods). The work has benefited from the methods traditionally used in hermeneutics as well as sociological and quantitative analyses. Received results and their novelty: a thorough analysis of historiography and the sources regarding social stratification of Belarusian peasantry in the 1860-1890s has been performed. The dissertation research has determined the most influential factors in the formation of social peasant stratification that included the government politic, level of peasant education, and territorial mobility. In order to illustrate the stages of peasant classes’ formation, internal ranking, and informal status in the village, the dissertation has focused on the description of the social status of the representatives of three proprietary peasant categories - upper, middle and lower class.