Сацыяльна-эканамічнае становішча насельніцтва неакупіраванай тэрыторыі Беларусі ў гады Першай Сусветнай вайны (кастрычнік 1915 – кастрычнік 1917 гг.) - Автореферат

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Характарыстыка стаўлення насельніцтва беларускіх губерняў да вайны. Аналіз становішча гарадскога насельніцтва неакупіраванай тэрыторыі Беларусі ў гады Першай сусветнай вайны. Уплыў мабілізацыі на сацыяльна-эканамічнае становішча беларускіх губерняў.

Аннотация к работе
БЕЛАРУСКІ ДЗЯРЖАУНЫ УНІВЕРСІТЭТSocioeconomic status of the population of non-occupied Belarusian areas during the First World War (October 1915 - October 1917) Aim of the work: to analyze the influence of the First World War on socioeconomic status of the population of non-occupied Belarusian territory. The most commonly used methods while writing the thesis were the special historical ones: historical and genetic, historical and comparative, historical and typological, historical and systematic, retrospective, problem and chronological, local and historical. Received results and their novelty: the thesis provides detailed and multilateral consideration of socioeconomic status of the population in non-occupied Belarusian areas during the First World War: the attitude of the population to combat operations is shown in dynamics, the process of mobilization to the army and involving local population in defensive works is considered; the role of post-and-telegraph departments and the railway in wartime is defined; historiography and sources are deeply analyzed; new archival materials, not regarded before, have been used in scientific purposes. The factual material will be useful in developing a special course “Belarusian lands during the First World War” as well as special courses in historiography of Belarus.
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