Russian Federation - Доклад

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Geographical location and territory of the Russian Federation. The population of Russia, the largest city, the members of the federation. Political views and the economy of the state. Features of the business of business culture and mentality of Russians.

Аннотация к работе
Hello everybody! My name is Stercho Ekaterina My course paper will be about and now I want to tell you some main ideas of these theme The Russian Federation stretches across Eurasia from Eastern Europe to the Pacific coast. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia became the largest country in the world in terms of territory. geographical russia federation mentality The population of the Russian Federation is approximately 143 million. The largest city in the Russia is Moscow, with a population of approximately 11.9 million, followed by St. Petersburg, with a population of approximately 5 million. The Russian Federation is a federal republic consisting of 83 constituent entities. There are six categories of federal constituent entity which, while subtly different in classification, are constitutionally defined as equal members of the federation. The 21 republics (corresponding to the homelands of various ethnic groups) enjoy a certain degree of regional autonomy.
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