Risks in bank crediting of agricultural enterprises - Статья

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Theoretical and methodological aspects of determining the risk of bank lending to agricultural enterprises. Analysis of the nature of credit risk. Identification of the main risk factors in bank lending for agricultural enterprises, risk modeling.

Аннотация к работе
UDS 336.77: 330.131.7: 63 Risks in bank crediting of agricultural enterprises O.B. Filimonova, senior lecturer Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University Scientific problem For a long time in the formation of financial and credit support agricultural enterprises play a crucial role for banks crediting. However, the development of credit relations of agricultural enterprises with commercial banks is hampered by high risk with dual nature of formation. On the one hand, the domestic banking system operates in a risky environment and uses relatively expensive capital, which leads to high interest rates and collateral requirements, short credit term, the lack of credit insurance and guarantee. On the other hand, unfavorable conditions of agricultural enterprises functioning reduces the profitability and deteriorates financial position, limits the ability to withstand the negative effects of natural factors, increases the impact of seasonal and cyclical fluctuations and risks of industrial activity. Analysis of recent
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