The hydrological connectivity of aquatic ecosystems in the Sundarbans delta. Effects of oil spill for the flora and fauna. The effects of oil spill on cetaceans, otters, birds, fishes, coastal wetlands and intertidal zones, and the overall ecosystems.
Аннотация к работе
REVIEW ON THE SUNDARBANS DELTA OIL SPILL: EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE AND HABITATS Bautista H., Rahman K.M.M. Аннотация В последнее время водные системы дельты Сундарбана подвергаются возрастающему воздействию, вызванному разливом нефти. 9 декабря 2014 приблизительно 94,000 галлонов (78,271 Имперских галлонов) тяжелого дистиллятного топлива было пролито в реку Шела, которая проходит через Сундарбан. Мангровые растения, речные травы, морские водоросли и связанные с ними беспозвоночные были покрыты нефтью; некоторые из них погибли вскоре после этого происшествия. Abstract Recently, Sundarbans aquatic ecosystems are suffering escalating impacts caused by oil spill. The hydrological connectivity of aquatic ecosystems in the Sundarbans Delta makes them highly sensitive to a broad range of anthropogenic activities. On December 9, 2014 approximately 94,000 gallons (78,271 Imperial gallons) of heavy furnace oil spilled into Shela River, which runs through the Sundarbans. Intertidal mangroves plants, river grasses, algae, and associated invertebrates were badly covered by oil and some of them died soon after. The death of Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris), Oriental samll-clawed otter (Amblonyx cinereus) has been reported because of oil spill. The presence of White rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis) over the Sundarbans sky also indicated the large scale death of wild fauna. Keywords: Oil, effects, Sundarbans, ecosystems, wildlife, habitats Introduction Sundarbans is the world’s largest tidal mangrove forest is one of the most bio-diverse places on Earth, a UNESCO declared world heritage site [1], is the last home of Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris) and many others important wildlife fauna including riverine Irrawaddy (Orcaella brevirostris) and Ganges dolphins (Platanista gangetica) [2]. The area of Sundarbans is approximately 10,000 square kilometres (3,900 sq mi) most of which is in Bangladesh and rest of its situated in India [3].