Regulating the use of tourist and recreational resources in economic activities in the second Polish Republic (1918-1939) - Статья

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The activities of public authorities of Second Polish Republic for sustainable use by citizens and economic entities objects of natural, historical and cultural heritage. Analyzes the legislation, creating the regulatory and supervisory institutions.

Аннотация к работе
Lazarek, J. Chelmecki, J. Kras etc.). Statement of the problem The purpose of this article is the study of methods, tools and features of regulating the use of tourist and recreational resources in economic activities in the Second Polish Republic. object tourist polish republic The main material of the study The territory of having natural factors are called the natural environment of recreation and tourism. However, tourism can also be used urbanized areas and urban space. Objects, areas, events that are of interest to tourists are called tourist attractions. Depending on the origin identify the natural and anthropogenic, historical or cultural tourist attractions. The question of nature protection are not covered in the main law Second Polish Republic, but the Constitution enacted on 17 Mar 1921 [1] in the section on general rights and obligations contained article on property ownership, in the text of which is given the constitutional basis for the restriction of the rights of citizens (including property rights) based on the requirements of the legislation on nature protection.
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