Regular and irregular verbs of the English language - Реферат

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Verbs are one of the main word classes in the English language. Development and formation of the regular verbs. Irregular verbs in Modern English as derived from verbs that followed more regular patterns at a previous stage in the history of the language.

Аннотация к работе
Introduction Verbs constitute one of the main word classes in the English language. Like other types of words in the language, English verbs are not heavily inflected. Most combinations of tense, aspect, mood and voice are expressed periphrastically, using constructions with auxiliary verbs and modal verbs. Generally, the only inflected forms of an English verb are a third person singular present tense form in -s, a past tense (also called preterite), a past participle (which may be the same as the past tense), and a form in -ing that serves as a present participle and gerund.
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