Theoretical basis recruitment and selection methods: internal or external recruitment, job resume, job interview. Recruitment process design and development. Evaluation of methods of recruitment and selection on example of "Procter and Gamble".
Аннотация к работе
Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan University of internayional business Chair “Management” Term paper discipline «Personnel management» on a theme: «Recruitment and selection» Made by: 4 course student 434 group management Agisheva Dilyara Almaty 2011 Contents recruitment selection interview Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical basis recruitment and selection methods 1.1 Internal or external recruitment 1.2 Job resume 1.3 Job interview 1.4 Recruitment process design and development Chapter 2. Evaluation of methods of recruitment and selection on example of “Procter and Gamble” LLC 2.1 Procter and Gamble, job areas and job descriptions 2.2 Procter & Gamble application process Conclusion List of used literature Introduction The Recruitment and Selection Process is one of the basic HR Processes. Recruitment and Selection is very sensitive as many managers have a need to hire a new employee and this process is always under a strict monitoring from their side. The Recruitment and Select