Развіццё сістэмы вышэйшай філалагічнай адукацыі ў Беларусі (1944–1961 гг.) - Автореферат

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Вызначэнне галоўных кірункаў, зместу і асаблівасцей развіцця філалагічнай адукацыі і прафесійнай падрыхтоўкі спецыялістаў-філолагаў у сістэме вышэйшай школы Беларусі ў 1944–1961 гг. Працэс рэфармацыйных змен у развіцці вышэйшай філалагічнай адукацыі.

Аннотация к работе
БЕЛАРУСКІ ДЗЯРЖАУНЫ УНІВЕРСІТЭТKey words: Belarus, higher school, philological education, philological meeting, students-philologists, professional preparing, curriculum, teachers and lecturers from higher educational establishments, science, the Academy of Science BSSR, research. The purpose of the research is - to determine the main directions, ideas and peculiarities of development of philological education and professional preparing specialists-philologists in the system of Higher education in Belarus in 1944-1961. We used the combination of scientific principles such as objectivity, historism and systemism, and also special and historic (historic and genetic, historic and comparative, retrospective) methods. The author investigated the system of preparing specialists-philologists through higher education, research by teaching staff, ideological work in higher educational establishments taking into account the governmental policy. The results can be applied for lectures on the history of Belarus, lessons on the history of higher education, scientific process which is connected with research on fields of literature and linguistics of higher education the second half 40s-the beginning 60s XX century, for preparing and publishing textbooks, and for writing summarizing researches on the history of the development of Belarusian higher education.
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