Psychological syimptomatology of the phenomenon "emotional burnout" of teenagers: empiric researches - Статья

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The article presents the main results of an empirical study of the psychological symptomatology of the phenomenon of "emotional burnout" in adolescents. The main external factors provoking emotional burnout of adolescents are determined and analyzed.

Аннотация к работе
It is shown that emotional burnout of teenagers as a syndrome is characterized by following features: behavior change; thinking change; feelings change; health change. It was identified direct dependence between high levels of anxiety and conflict of teenagers’ father and mother; frequency of conflicts in the family; the depth of the conflict; reconciliation with parents. «Obstacles» in the development of emotional contact with teenagers were concretized: inability to control emotions, I.V. Vashchenko - the scientific contribution of the co-author is 40%, L.V. Kondratska - the scientific contribution of the co-author is 30%, D.A. Nishkur - the scientific contribution of the co-author is 30%. Nishkurtheir dose, inflexibility, lack, opacity emotions and reluctance to contact with people. The features of young individual, which leads him to deformation, are those: emotional instability, characterized by mood instability, high personal anxiety, tendency to events dramatization, demonstrativeness, self-centeredness; psychasthenic traits, impulsiveness, conflictness, inadequate self-esteem. Key words: emotional sphere, emotional exhaustion, family conflicts, teenage crisis, self-rating, uneasiness, conflictness, aggression. Received November 14, 2016 Revised December 15, 2016 Accepted January 11, 2017 И.В. Ващенко, Л.В. Кондрацкая, Д.А. Нишкур. Психологическая симптоматика феномена «эмоциональное выгорание» у подростков: эмпирические исследования. Ключевые слова: эмоциональная сфера, эмоциональное выгорание, семейные конфликты, подростковый кризис, самооценка, конфликтность, тревожность, агрессивность. emotional burnout psychological adolescent І.В. Ващенко, Л.В. Кондрацька, Д.А. Нішкур. It should be considered that destabilizing situation causes frequent negative effect: it effects on a teenager, on the subject of communication - friends, parents, teachers and etc., and then on the mutual relations of both sides; enhanced responsibility for executable functions. Teenagers are usually in the mode of external and internal control. Communicating with peers, friends and parents it is necessary to scrutinize, listen, empathize, sympathize, envisage their words, moods, actions. And the most important thing is that they always have to take on the energy level of the communication partners. During one educational week self-feedback and self-control for some teenagers are so considerable, that psychical resources practically are not restored to the next week. According to our data a risk and enhancable risk of nervous diseases for teenagers make 37,50 %, and 57,80 % of examinee teenagers have violations of activity of gastrointestinal tract. All somatic pathology is accompanied by the clinic of neurosis-like violations. Actually neurotic disorders appeared in 40-50 % cases. The indicated picture of student’s health is conditioned, probably, by many factors. They are psychical tension, anxiety, depression, emotional rigidity and emotional devastation - that is cost of responsibility. With the purpose of economy of energy resources, many teenagers come running to the different mechanisms of psychological defense, including aggressive one. Every teenager is under permanent pressure of parents, teachers propulsive to responsibility for executable functions; unhappy psychological atmosphere at school. It is determined by two basic circumstances: by a conflict vertically in the system «a student - a teacher», and horizontally in the system «a student - a student». A nervous situation induces some teenagers to waste emotions, and other one - to search the methods of economy of the psychical resources; psychologically heavy contingent with which a teenager deals in the sphere of communication. They are class-mates with anomalies of character and nervous system and psychical development delaying, teachers with the symptoms of the emotional burnout, neuroses, signs of psychopatization. According to their own supervisions teenagers begin to ignore emotionally: ill-mannered, dissolute, unwise, capricious or immoral. The mechanism of psychological defense is found, but the emotional detachment can be used in inappropriate way, and students are not involved in necessities and requirements of communication with normal partner. There can be misunderstanding and conflicts on this basis - the emotional burnout is demonstrated by its dysfunctional side; psychologically unhappy house atmosphere. In families, where conflicts often happen, teenagers have a high level of anxiety (correlation coefficient is 0,281; р
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