Psychological provision of processes modernization of metallurgical production management - Статья

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Approaches to the whole man-machine system optimization. The consideration of psychological factors in the development of new technical means of activity and modernization of the available ones. The man-machine system development and exploitation.

Аннотация к работе
Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University PSYCHOLOGICAL PROVISION OF PROCESSES MODERNIZATION OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Dr. Sc. (Ps.), Prof. Shevyakov O. V., Cand. Sc.(Ps), Assoc. Prof. Krupskyi O. P., Cand. Sc. (Ped.) Slavska Y. A. Difficult and strenuous conditions of the operator’s metallurgist’s activity demand a due approach to the whole man-machine system optimization. This approach must consider all the operator’s activity features (psychological ones first) and include appropriate research methods and ergonomic planning ones. The consideration of psychological factors in the development of new technical means of activity and modernization of the available ones is an indispensable condition to realize their economic efficiency. The methodological basis of the research was G. Zarakovsky’s ergonomic providing concept of the men-machine system development and exploitation [6]. The problem of increasing the efficiency of the “Rolling-Mill” man-machine system operating isn’t new. As a result of the
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