Precondition of formation, development of inclusive innovation. Defining inclusive innovation and related concepts. Social exclusion, excluded group. Demonstration of excluded groups in statistical data and public opinion research. Inclusive innovations.
Аннотация к работе
Master thesis PROSPECTS FOR INCLUSIVE INNOVATIONS IN RUSSIA Student ID number: М141МУИНН016 Novikova Elena Supervisor: Vitaliy Roud Submission date: 16.05.2016 Contents List of Tables and Figures Summary Introduction Chapter 1. Literature review 1.1 Precondition of formation and development of inclusive innovation 1.2 Defining inclusive innovation and related concepts 1.2.1 Social exclusion and excluded group 1.2.2 Demonstration of excluded groups in statistical data and public opinion research 1.2.3 Inclusive innovations 1.3 Inclusive innovation in Russia 1.4 Bibliometric analysis of academic publications on the topics of “inclusive innovation”, “pro-poor innovation”, “below-the-radar innovation”, “grassroots innovation”, “base of the pyramid innovation” 1.5 Conclusion to literature review Chapter 2. Practical analysis 2.1 Methodological basis of research. Selection and justification of research methods 2.2 Findings 2.2.1 Several cases of inclusive innovations 2.2.2 Conclusion based on cases of inclusive innovations 2.2.3 Study of public opinion about prospects for inclusive innovations in Russia Discussion and Conclusion References Annexes Declaration in lieu of oath List of Tables and Figures Figure 1. Graph of documents’ numbers on terms about social exclusion by years (created by Scopus). Figure 2: Dimensions of Social Inclusion/Exclusion. Figure 3. Percentage of male and female in educational trajectory. Table 1: First step of bibliometric analysis of papers on terms: “inclusive innovation”, “pro-poor innovation”, “below-the-radar innovation”, “grassroots innovation”, “base of the pyramid innovation” (2 periods: for all years and for last 5 years (2010-2015, without 2016)). Figure 5: Percentage of answers to the question “Do you know, have heard, or hear for the first time the phrase “inclusive innovation”?” Figure 6: Percentage of answers to the question “Have you ever received any information about inclusive innovations? If yes, please indicate the source”. Figure 7: Percentage of answers to the question “How do you personally feel about the idea of promoting inclusive innovation in Russia?” Figure 8: Percentage of answers to the question “Would you like to participate or provide any possible assistance in the development of inclusive innovation in Russia (financial, social, informational support, etc.)?” Figure 9: Percentage of the agreement with the statement “There are many people in Russia who are in need of inclusive innovations”. Figure 10: Percentage of the agreement with the statement “Inclusive innovations could qualitatively change the lives of the needy categories of people”. Figure 11: Percentage of the agreement with the statement “High-quality products and services cannot be cheap”. Figure 12: Distribution of answers to the question “In your opinion, which categories/ groups of people must be supported by inclusive innovations?” Figure 13: Distribution of answers to the question “In your opinion, which categories/ groups of people do not need to be supported by inclusive innovations?” Table 4: The name of the groups in social network “Vkontakte” Table 5: Contacts of interviews’ respondents Table 6: Results of data analysis in SPSS Summary The present work studies theoretical approaches to the concept “inclusive innovations” together with the concepts of “social exclusion” and “excluded groups” in both theoretical and practical ways (theoretical data are supplied with statistical information).