Project management in the banking sector - Контрольная работа

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The use of project management in economic activities. Maximizing the profitability of organizations through information technology. The banks use special software to determine the level of solvency of the client and decision about granting the loan.

Аннотация к работе
Table of contents Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical issues concerning the «Project management» 1.1 Definitions and characteristics of the project and project management 1.2 The main features of IT-project 1.3 The popular models of the IT-project lifecycle and their description 1.3.1 The waterfall model 1.3.2 The iterative model 1.3.3 Scrum Chapter 2. Problem statement 2.1 The influence of the specific character of the banking area on the IT-project lifecycle 2.2 Project plan of software implementation in the bank based on the waterfall model Conclusion Bibliography Introduction Project management today differs from project management in the 1950s when it was firstly applied by building and engineering companies as a tool for effective organization of their new activities. Now project management is used almost in all areas, as it maintains the economic activity of organizations. Since the information technologies began to develop, a lot of companies have started to use them for the maximizing their profitabi
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