Оценка вспышек посттравматических стрессовых расстройств и прогноза их последствий среди жертв террористических атак. Описание структуры и соотношений математической модели и вычислительного алгоритма для прогнозирования развития неврозов у личности.
Аннотация к работе
The prediction of outbreaks of posttraumatic stress disorders after large-scale terrorism actsPresented is an original computed technology - a mathematic model and software for Windows for operative assessment of outbreaks of posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and prediction of their consequences among victims of terrorism acts. The structure and correlations between the mathematic model and calculating algorithm for the prognosis of PTSD outbreaks are described. The computed program allows to predict a number of mental disorders with further behavior deviations, addictive disorders, personality changes, signs of maladaptation in victims of terrorism acts. Key words: posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD), outbreaks of PTSD during terrorism acts, outbreak of panic, prediction of PTSD outbreaks, computed model. “Computer technologies for studying, forecasing, and management the mass panic caused y outbreaks the infection disease” Preventing bioterrorisma” In: Interpol conference (Asian regional workshop of preventing bioterrorism), Singapore, 27-29.03.06).