Выбор будущего вида деятельности как проблема, которая волнует всех выпускников. Основная идея и значение проекта. План проведения занятий по теме профессионального самоопределения учащихся в виде ролевых игр с применением знания английского языка.
Аннотация к работе
Ученики в группах читают тексты, отвечают на проблемные вопросы, комментируют информацию. Объектом исследования данного проекта является проблема выбора профессии, процесс поиска путей, помогающих школьникам в решении данной проблемы. You’ll present your projects and we’ll try to answer the question: what is important in choosing a profession ? We feel very strongly that it depends on many things: on a person’s ideas, what the job is like, on qualities and skills needed for the job and his / her personal abilities.
1. Ideas of what the job is like.
2. Personal qualities and skill.
3. Ambitions and expectations of a future job.
4. Reasons to like.
A Job Interview
Look through the list of questions that you may be asked during Interview.
1. Tell about yourself, please.
2. What do you know about our company?
3. Why have you applied for this job?
4. Have you any previous work experience of any sort?
5. What did you enjoy or not enjoy about that work?
6. Where do you want to be in ten years time?
7. Can you give me the name of someone we can contact for a reference?
8. Is there anything also you would like to tell us?
9. Do you have any questions for us?
A list of tips on how to behave during interview.
· Try to speak clearly in order to produce a favorable impression and prove to be suitable for the job.
· Try to sound enthusiastic to persuade the interviewer.
· Write extremely neatly to make your CV look pleasant and well-organized.
· Put on your best clothes to produce a favorable impression.
Job Opportunities
Would you like to take the job?
Read the following job advertisements.
Our company is looking for a programmer.
If you are interested in computers our company is waiting for you.
This position requires specific qualification. Success in this career is very much determined by your personal qualities. Previous training is desirable.
Applicants should have a computer experience a good knowledge of English a sharp mind ambition