Production whey biotechnology - Курсовая работа

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Environmental biotechnology study the use of living organisms for a wide range of applications in hazardous waste treatment and pollution control. The use of biotechnology in the dairy industry. Methods for producing whey. Security staff activity.

Аннотация к работе
CONTENT Annotation; Definitions; Diminution and notation; Content; Introduction; Chief part: 1. Analytical review; 1.1 Dairy industry 1.2 Dairy processes and composition of dairy products 1.2.1 Pasteurized Milk 1.2.2 Milk and Whey Powders 1.2.3 Cheese 1.2.4.Butter 1.2.5.Evaporated Milk 1.2.6.Ice Cream 1.2.7Yogurt 1.2.8Wastewater from Associated Processes 1.3 Characteristics and sources of wastewater 1.3.1 Treatment options 1.3.2Direct Discharge to a Sewage Treatment Works 1.3.3Onsite Pretreatment Options 1.3.4Treatment Methods 1.3.5Sludge Disposal 2. Experimental part 2.1 PHAs production in milk whey fermentation 2.1.1 Materials and methods 2.2 Results and discusion 2.2.1 Conclusion of resluts 3 Protection of workers and life safety; Conclusion References ANNOTATION Key words: Dairy, treatment, milk whey, wastewater, ecological, sludge, cleaning, sewage, domestic, processes, substance, living organisms,whey protein, monitirung, biological treatment, aerobs, anaerobs. The purpose of my research - to draw attention to relevance of this subject as to an example of merge of high technologies, science and an economic way of receiving industrial raw materials. Ecological biotechnology the use of living organisms for a wide variety of applications in hazardous waste treatment and pollution control. For example, a fungus is being used to clean up a noxious substance discharged by the paper-making industry. Ecological biotechnology can more efficiently clean up many hazardous wastes than conventional methods and greatly reduce our dependence for waste cleanup on methods such as incineration or hazardous waste dump sites. This technology may be a boon for a number of developing countries who are faced with a perennial problem of finding cost effective ways of dealing with their daily waste. biotechnology whey pollution Using biotechnology to treat pollution problems is not a new idea. Communities have depended on complex populations of naturally occurring microbes for sewage treatment for over a century. Every living organism- animals, plants, bacteria and so forth-ingests nutrients to live and produces a waste byproduct as a result. Milk has important place in human life. The dairy industry involves processing of raw milk into products like consumer milk, butter, cheese etc. The quantity of water required in a milk processing plant depends upon the size of the plant, generally expressed in terms of the maximum weight of milk handled in a single day, and the processes involved. The daily volume of water required may vary widely, depending mainly on the availability of water and the control of all water using operation in the plant. The operations where the process involves continuous flow, the amount of water needed for rinsing and washing is not necessarily proportional to the amount of product processed. Most of the waste water discharged into water bodies, disturbs the ecological balance and deteriorates the water quality. The casein precipitation from waste decomposes further into highly odorous black sludge. Effluent from milk processing unit contains soluble organics, suspended solids, trace organics which releases gases, causes taste and odor, impart colour and turbidity, and promote eutrophication. Accordingly intention of course work offer to research oftreatment of dairy processing wastewater development of bio product on milk whey. Allow course work consist of four major part. First part (Analytical review) has a material which described the treatment of dairy processing wastewaters. Second part (Process design) discarded productionof product using milk whey. Third part-is a part protection of workers and life safety. DEFINITIONS 1. Activated sludge - Oxygen dependent biological process that serves to convert soluble organic matter to solid biomass, that is removable by gravity or filtration. 2. Aerobic - A process that takes place in the presence of oxygen, such as the digestion of organic matter by bacteria in an oxidation pond. 3. Anaerobic - A process that takes place in the absence of oxygen, such as the digestion of organic matter by bacteria in a UASB-reactor. 4. Wastewater Treatment - Any treatment of sewage water that includes the removal of nutrients suchas phosphorus and nitrogen and a high percentage of suspended solids. 5.Aeration - Technique that is used with water treatment that demands oxygen supply, commonly known as aerobic biological water purification. 6. Dairy industry - is involves processing raw milk into products such as consumer milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, condensed milk, dried milk (milk powder), and ice cream, using processes such as chilling, pasteurization, and homogenization. 7.Pasteurizationis expose (a food, as milk, cheese, yogurt) to an elevated temperature for a period oftime sufficient to destroy certain microorganisms,as those that can produce disease or causespoilage or undesirable fermentation of food, without radically altering taste or quality. 8. Typical by-produ
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