Problems of homonymy. Diachronic approach to homonymy - Курсовая работа

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Homonyms as different in meaning but identical in sound and spelling of words, morphemes and other units of language. Diachronic analysis of grammatical homonyms of adjectives and adverbs. The main objectives of the present study, their study problems.

Аннотация к работе
?аза?стан Республикасыны? Білім Ж?не ?ылым Министрлігі ?аза? гуманитарлы? за? университеті Кафедрасы: Ж.Т.Б. ж?неА.І. Курсты? ж?мыс Та?ырыбы: «Problems of homonymy. Diachronic approach to homonymy» Орында?ан: Айтенова А.Г. ?абылда?ан: Джолшибекова К.Ж. Астана 2013 ж. Content Introduction 1. Chapter I GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT HOMONYMS 1.1 Concept of homonymy 1.2 Classification of homonyms 1.3 Problems of homonymy 1.4 Diachronic approach to homonyms 2. Chapter II ANALYSIS OF HOMONYMS 2.1 Practical approach in studying homonyms 2.2 Diachronic analysis of grammatical homonyms of adjectives and adverbs Conclusion Bibliography Introduction In linguistics without charge: They mended my jacket for free. FREELY Adverb OE freolice, ME freoliche, freliche, frely [Free adj. Ly2] 1. Of one’s own accord, spontaneously, without constraint or reluctance 2. Without constraint or reseve in regard to speech: frankly, openly 3. Without restraint or restriction upon action or activity HARD Adjective 1.not soft; solid and firm
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