Problems and prospects of the organization of sports and recreation activities in university in the context of the overall innovative trends in education - Статья

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The effective domestic experience in organizing sports and recreational activities in institutions of higher education. The main factors influencing the motivational aspects of sports and recreational activities. Concept of physical activity in students.

Аннотация к работе
problems and prospects of the organization of sports and recreation activities in university in the context of the overall innovative trends in education Pupysheva Z.S. Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia Научный руководитель: ст. преподаватель Карвунис Ю.А. Abstract. In this paper we attempt to analyze the most effective domestic and foreign experience in organizing sports and recreational activities in institutions of higher education in order to develop new approaches to the very concept of the activity in the university at the present stage of modernization of the educational system. The article highlights the main factors influencing the motivational aspects of sports and recreational activities, which will be considered in the design of an innovative concept implementation of physical activity in university students. sport recreational activities student The important question of the organization of physical culture and sports and recreational activities in the universities of our country takes a new
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