Problems and newspaper articles translation technology - Курсовая работа

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Types and features of texts, the role of different types of newspaper articles in the daily life of mankind. Methods translations of newspaper articles. Grammatical, lexical, phraseological and stylistic difficulties of translation of newspaper articles.

Аннотация к работе
CONTENT INTRODUCTION TECHNICHQUES OF TRANSLATION IN NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Translation and it aims The article translation from “The Globe” newspaper The article translation from “Sunday” magazine Lexical difficulties of translation Stylistic difficulties of translation The difficulty of translation of set phrases and idioms List of set expressions used in different types of newspaper articles Conclusion Bibliography INTRODUCTION To communicate with others, to convince and to find information, to listen, to read and speak - those are what the life consist of and the business life especially. We cannot imagine our life without newspaper. News is a kind of “window” to the world. People can find developments, and sport and fashion news from newspaper. text newspaper article translation In this Course Paper I’ve decided to study the techniques of translation in newspaper materials. I would like to study texts, their types and ways of their translation in newspaper style at deep level. I want to consider different translation peculiarities and also difficulties of newspaper’s titles translation. The object of this Course paper gives the detailed review how different kinds of newspaper can be translated into Russian language and on the contrary. Because there a lot of kinds of newspaper. For example: general news, political news, business news, regional news, entrainment news. And all of them have their own translation peculiarities. It is also helps to understand the principal rules of translation process. Aim: The aim of this work is to show the translation approach in newspaper articles, to make easy perceiving the purpose, to broaden the view on studies and peculiar features of the newspaper translation. Objects: In this work I set the following tasks: 1. To review all the sources of newspaper articles 2. To reveal all methods of translation in newspaper articles 3. To investigate grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties of translation in newspaper articles Methods of my work are: 1. Analysis 2. Comparison 3. Investigation The practical value of this work includes the translation represents a field aimed at training interpreters to translate verbal and written materials on different subjects to differentiate the language features of English, Russian and other languages as well as special lexicology, phraseology, syntax and style. The originality of this work is in the creative approach to the study and methods of translations, besides, it contains a detailed review of ways and methods of translation. The given Course paper contains introduction, two parts, conclusion and bibliography list. The first part gives a details review of the studying the translation theory, also reveals the role of different kinds of newspaper articles in everyday life of the humanity. It also discussed the methods of translations in newspaper articles with purpose to make it easier for translator to achieve adequate translation in the target language. The second part shows the detailed study o grammatical, lexical, stylistic difficulties involved in translation of newspaper articles. In conclusion we have summed up the results of our laborious investigation translation of political literature. At the end of the research paper the bibliography list is attached to enable information sources used in this Paper. The materials of newspapers and information genre are constituted the main content of newspaper texts. Usually interpreter of socio-political literature should to translate articles and informational notes from English and American newspapers, and he must to know stylistic peculiarities of such materials very well. On this basis the aim of this Project Course Paper is to define translation equivalence in texts of newspapers and information materials. There are following tasks for the goal achievement: 1. To descry the peculiarities of newspaper and journalistic style. 2. To analyze the peculiarities of newspapers and information materials translation. 3. To descry peculiarities of headlines and reductions in English and American newspapers. 4. To translate newspaper articles from English and American newspapers. 5. To analyze the translation. In this Course Paper are used the method of contextual analysis. The object of this research are the articles from Financial Times, The Globe and Sunday newspapers. TECHNIQUES OF TRANSLATION IN NEWSPAPER ARTICLES Translation and its aims Translation is a process of rendering a text in written or oral form, giving meaning on other languages. The difference of translation from retelling or other kinds of transfer is that translation is a process of creating an original unity in contexts and forms of original. The translation quality is defined by its completeness and value. “The completeness and value of translation means definite rendering of the contextual sense of the original piece and a high-grade function-stylistic conformity”. The concept “high-grade functional-stylis
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