Принцип работы биологических "молекулярных машин" - Статья

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Трансформация энергии в фотосинтетической мембране. Перенос электрона в реакционном центре. Спектральные свойства материалов квантовых точек. Характеристика фотоцикла бактериородопсина. Конформационные изменения гемоглобина в области гепоморфирина.

Аннотация к работе
ПРИНЦИПЫ РАБОТЫ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ «МОЛЕКУЛЯРНЫХ МАШИН» МГУ, Биологический факультет каф. биофизикиData were obtained with using submersible fluorometer in July 1999. Investigation of the vertical distribution of phytoplankton in oligotrophic Issyk-Kul Lake showed a complex structure of phytoplankton, which is due to pronounced water stratification. The lowest values of the abundance and photosynthetic activity were found in the upper layer under conditions of a high solar irradiation and low content of mineral nutrients. High abundance and high activity of algal cells were found in the deep layers of the photic zone indicating the presence of active algae, adapted to low light condition. Q-A Frozen e-induced conform.
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