Исследование явления морского пиратства, которое представляет значительную общественную опасность. Характеристика его основных факторов и тенденций его развития. Определение основных причин возрастания количества пиратских нападений на морские суда.
Аннотация к работе
Ii?aaaeaii iiiyoea ii?neiai ie?aonoaa.The article is devoted to research of the phenomenon of a sea piracy, factors and a tendency of its development. The attention is paid to measures of struggle against a sea piracy at the present stage. The concept of a sea piracy is specified. The analysis existing in modern day legal science point of view different scientists who researched this issue is carried out in the article. Keywords: a sea piracy, safety of navigation, measures of struggle against a sea piracy, factors of development of a sea piracy.