Phraseological units and their translation - Курсовая работа

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Phraseology as a subsystem of language. Types of phraseological units. Idioms classification. Pure, semi and literal idioms. Phraseological problems of translation: different combinability of words, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy of phraseological units.

Аннотация к работе
Introduction English is the chief language of international business and academic conferences, the leading language of international tourism. English is the main language of popular music, advertising, home computers and video games. Most of the scientific, technological and academic information in the world is expressed in English. International communication develops and expends very fast. The English language has become the means of international communication, the language of trade, education, politics, and economics. People have to communicate with each other; it is very important for them to understand the foreigners and be understood by them. A word comes to be a very powerful means of communication but also can be a cause of a great misunderstanding if it is not clearly understood by one of the speakers. Idioms are a very frequently used part of the English language. It comprises one-third part of the colloquial speech. That is why good knowledge of the English is impossible without knowledge of its phraseology. Competence in this area makes it easier to read both journalistic and fiction literature. The metaphorical and emotional character of the phraseology makes the speech more figurative and expressive. Therefore, for those who learn the English language, this layer of the English vocabulary is of particular interest. Today it is difficult to find the aspect of the language study which has not be considered by the Russian or foreign scientists. Nevertheless, phraseology is a field of science where not all the questions have been resolved. The problem of classification of phraseological units, for example, still remains one of the most controversial. Therefore, the study of phraseological units in the modern English language is relevant in the present circumstances. The object of the term work is the phraseological units of the English language. The subject is the phraseology in English , their types and the problem of translation of phraseological units . The sources of the term paper: While investigating the work we have widely used the following literature: “Words and Idioms” Smith L.,“Лексикология английского языка” Смирницкий А., ”Фразеология английского языка” by V. A. Koonin, textbooks on lexicology, on stylistics, scientific literature on phraseology and phraseological units, Arnold I.V. Modern English Lexicology etc. We have also had information on Internet sites. The purpose of this research is to study the general types of phraseological units as a constituent part of the English vocabulary, to examine phraseological units, idioms and the problems of translation. In order to achieve the set aim we are to determine the following tasks: 1. To consider the phraseology as a system of language. 2.To study the types of phraseological units, idioms and their classifications. 3.To research the problems of translation of phraseological units. Methodological bases of research the works of Russian and foreign experts in the field of phraseology as well as dictionaries’ data served as methodological bases of research. The theoretical value of the term paper is to do thorough research in the field of phraseology. The practical value of the work is that, practical result and all the given examples can be used in practical lessons, writing compositions in colloquial and written speech, and oral translation work. The novelty of the term paper is in the detailed investigation of phraseological units and to show the problems of translation phraseological units. This work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography. Chapter 1. Phraseological units 1.1 Phraseology as a subsystem of language Phraseology means the branch of linguistics dealing with stable word- combinations characterized by certain transference of meaning. Despite differences of opinion, most authors agree upon some points concerning the distinctive features of phraseological units, such as: Integrity (or transference) of meaning means that none of the idiom components is separately associated with any referents of objective reality, and the meaning of the whole unit cannot be deduced from the meanings of its components; Stability (lexical and grammatical) means that no lexical substitution is possible in an idiom in comparison with free or variable word-combinations (with an exception of some cases when such substitutions are made by the author intentionally). According to the contextual approach red tape, mares nest, etc. make up a group of phraseological units referred to as idioms because of the impossibility of any change in the fixed context and their semantic inseparability. The status of the bulk of word-groups however cannot be decided with certainty with the help of these criteria because as a rule we have to deal not with соmp1ete idiomaticity and stability but with a certain degree of these distinguishing features of phraseological units. No objective criteria of the degree of idiomaticity and stabilit
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