The branches of Linguistics about Speech Sounds. Functional Aspect of a Speech Sound. Methods of Investigation in Phonetics and Phonology. Segmental and Suprasegmental Levels in Phonetics. Realization of Segmental Phonemes in speech. Allophones.
Аннотация к работе
1. Phonetics and phonology - branches of Linguistics about Speech Sounds. Functional Aspect of a Speech Sound Both Phonetics and Phonology study speech sounds but Phonetics studies them as articulatory and acoustic units whereas Phonology investigates them as functional distinctive units which perform a discriminatory and a social function. The discriminatory function consists in distinguishing one sequence of sounds (words, sentences, texts) from another with a different meaning (e.g. back - bag: due to the force of articulation we can differentiate between the meaning = fortis /k/ and lenis /g/).