Perspectives on organizational accidents and resilient organizations: the Deepwater Horizon accident - Курсовая работа

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Description of the Deepwater Horizon accident. Theoretical framework the part of the process and causes. Analysis of information distribution within BP and contractors. Analysis from different perspectives, its approaches and evaluation. IRGC model.

Аннотация к работе
Perspectives on organizational accidents and resilient organizations: the Deepwater Horizon accident 1. Objective and scope The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, one of the largest marine oil spill in history, was caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil platform about 50 miles southeast of the Mississippi River delta on April 20, 2010. Most of the 126 workers on the platform were safely evacuated and 11 persons died. There were number of technical and non technical reasons for this historic incident which led to economic and environmental disaster. The purpose of this document is to study and analyze the managerial and organizational factors contributing to the largest marine oil spill with the aid of «Six perspectives» report by Rosness et al [1]. In order to perform a detailed analysis and arrive at a good understanding of how organizational factors can influence safety and how theoretical concepts can be used within safety management, we tried to elaborate root causes of the Deepwater Horiz
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